The dark squirell is igor, he's new courtesy of shayno. Theyre looking over the back of the falls, almost.
Fawlty Towers: heaven, and so unexpected. Pool, dstv, internet, pool table and beautiful girls, and a guy, named Guy. First day we went to Vic falls. Its in fllod so we couldnt really see too much, but we were having too much fun to notice. Its more like wild water park than seventh wonder of the natural world, kind of like standing in a tropical cyclone with rain in every direction (Jared says "angle rain"). So the falls were good. Im in malawi now, so the beer is twice as cheap as it was yesterday, hance this makes less sense than it would ordinarily have. Sorry
That night we procured some cheap illegally imported dark rum, Admiral. A game of kings/ring of fire later and everyone was happy, especially Anne the danish girl. We continued our night at the club, called Fairmount where we danced like fools. What else can i say about Fairmount? Its like Greenman with flatscreens everywhere, fantastic!!! Let me take this opportunity to appologise to the other guests at Fawlty towers who may have been disturbed by shouts of Marco Polo, i am sorry, we all are.

The plan was to leave the next day but circumstances led to us spending the day on the couch, this was not a bad thing. The bulls and Sharks won. And the day ended with a fantastic braai courtesy of Nick the Australian, so technically it was a barbeque, but whatever.
Okay paying for internet sucks. Thats about all from me. Were in the midst of changing route a little, and going through mozambique, but you'll here more of that later.
Jared! You have a drinking problem, we did the test remember!?
I hope one of you guys got lucky with those Danish hotties.
I'm not jealous, I have an aircon in my cubicle! haha, cool aircon, aaahh!
Angle Rain, one of natures greatest terrors. No umbrella can save you from it.
And barry is lying to himself, im sure he's just as jealous as i am.
Where does Dark Squirrel come from? Did you guys meet up in Vic Falls? Is he going all the way to Cairo?
Once again - your voice of reason speaks - I agree - Jared you drink way too much. Say after me - my name is Jared and I am... seriously though looks like a lot of fun and just be safe and keep in touch! love you guys
Hey Pieter, wat tof dat je zo'n tour aan t doen bent met vrienden! Lijkt mij ook helemaal geweldig! Ik zal af en toe op jullie website jullie avontuur volgen. Liefs vanuit Nederland
Those are some aggressive no-finger-pointing nominations I see right there! Good job, propogate good drinking-game form throughout Africa!
hi mensa. whats up. uncle spots calling. hope you all having a ball. see you met some lovely ladies. travel safe. will keep looking out for you. spots..
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