First picture!!!
This is us saying goodbye to the mountain and Cape Town, although it was a good few days before we leave, Pd left us the next day for Durban so we needed to get this out of the way. Note the hard-core explorer poses (Jared this is not a good start), and the "bring-it-on" angle of the front wheels. The car is also actually pointing directly at Cairo. Its symbolic of the journey ahead.
Bon Voyage!!!??
This is us saying goodbye to the mountain and Cape Town, although it was a good few days before we leave, Pd left us the next day for Durban so we needed to get this out of the way. Note the hard-core explorer poses (Jared this is not a good start), and the "bring-it-on" angle of the front wheels. The car is also actually pointing directly at Cairo. Its symbolic of the journey ahead.
Bon Voyage!!!??
this is awesome buggers, did you find Ms. Colesburg?? technically stanley is pointing roughly at madagascar but thats neither here nor there. hit me up when you're on gtalk i need to share a file with you. One time, Sj
Man oh man, do we have a bone to pick with you.
First, we hit the restaurant in which you claim the belter works. So we walk in there, casually asking a waiter what time they open for breakfast (no intention of actually having breakfast but we couldn't just walk in and stare now could we?) when this Afrikaans meisie walks in. Not hot dude, not hot at all.
So now very bleak with your Miss Colesburg rumour we find a backpackers who let's us camp in the garden for lank cheap. Walk inside to show us around, and there she is! Gorgeous, slender, 17 and a mother. Strange things is small towns. But serisouly, a Jennifer Love Hewitt look-alike. Absolutely bloody fantastic.
And look harder, wheels are directly pointing to the top of the Sphinx. We worked it out.
The 24 hr countdown has started!
Time to start packing??
9.5 hours to go. Just started packing. Things are looking goooood.
Cape to Cairo but that's going to take like 5 days (personal joke Jasper will know) you guys better not get dead. rad Hilux you pimps.
Ignore all Piet's comments. He is obviously smoking something and trying to get you into trouble. He should be congratulated on his creativity! Miss you already and can't wait for further photos! Love you lots - travel safe
Hope you guys have an absolutely amazing time! will miss you all! looking forward to more photos and stories... Mwah! Love Soph
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